Thursday, July 1, 2010

Do White People Accept Us?

Most mixed race people believe that pure Whites will not accept them were they to openly identify as White. This propaganda that it isn't a legitimate option is ubiquitous. Most damagingly, the White parents in interracial relationships embrace this rhetoric virulently. They do so firstly in an effort to appease their black partners, secondly to convince themselves that they are not "racist", and thirdly, because they secretly agree with the White Purity doctrine, and hiding behind the smokescreen of "supporting Blacks" is a convenient farce. Ironically, because they fear the specter of White Supremacy, liberal Whites actually utilize their own implicit racist beliefs in defense of the egalitarian world-view. Conservative Whites are more likely to accept mixed race people than liberals, because they do not have the same fanatical "commitment" to racial egalitarianism. This results in their adopting more realistic and fair attitudes towards race relations. They are willing, to some extent, to challenge their own racist attitudes, and they are impressed by pro-White attitudes in mixed people. On the other hand, White identity terrifies and appalls liberals, and rightfully so. After all, they despise themselves for being White and for secretly feeling superior to Blacks. It's only natural that they should harbor such animosity towards their fellow mixed race Whites.

I want to share some conversations with White American chat room users, that took place in June 2010. You will see from these transcripts that the "rejection myth" is a fraud. Without an explicit affirmation of White Supremacy, there is no way to legitimate the White Purity Mythology. Consequently, many White people are able to see our reasoning, and DO indeed accept us, if given the chance. I tell everyone in my personal life that I am White when they first ask me about my ethnicity. Few Whites argue, and the ones who do are Negrophiles. If you doubt the veracity of my assertions, see for yourself: Go out and try it in real life. You will find that few Whites will argue. This is NOT because they secretly think you are a "nigger", as Blacks claim. It's because they aren't committed to rejecting you. Furthermore, with a simple explanation (should the need ever arise, and it doesn't often), most are easily convinced. I know this for a fact, because on several occasions I have done just this (in real life), and successfully made my point. In the chat rooms, I convinced eight out of the nine people I spoke to. So much for the "Whites will never accept you" nonsense Blacks taut


[curious2no] Hey are you White, and if so, can I ask you a question about race?

[soccerandturf]  ya and yep

[curious2no] Okay, I want to see if I can convince you that Biracials (white/black) can be "White".

[soccerandturf]  alright

[soccerandturf]  go for it

[curious2no] ok, just hear it all out ill say when im done

[soccerandturf]  alright

[curious2no]  1. "white" means a "person of european heritage"

[curious2no]  2. heritage means race and culture put together. If a person has mostly White heritage
   then they are White, that is they are European.

[curious2no]  3. Some biracials have a White parent and a Black a parent, but a totally White culture.

[curious2no]  4. Therefore they are mostly European by heritage, and therefore they are White.

[curious2no] done

[soccerandturf] well you've convinced me

[curious2no] lol, that was easy

[curious2no]  XD

[curious2no] Hey are you White, and if so, can I ask you a question about race?

[Stephen13]  i am very white yes

[curious2no] ok, im going to convince you that biracials can be white

[Stephen13]  what

[curious2no] that a person who is half black and half white, can still be white

[Stephen13]  oooh

[Stephen13]  okay

[Stephen13]  shoot

[curious2no] ok man, just hear it all out, and ill say when im finished

[Stephen13]  ok

[curious2no]  1. "white" means a person of "european heritage"

[curious2no]  2. "heritage" means both culture and race put together.

[Stephen13]  yup

[curious2no]  3. if your heritage is mostly European, you are a White person.

[curious2no]  4. some biracials (white/black) have 100% european culture, or White culture.

[curious2no]  5. Therefore their heritage is mostly european, therefore they are White.

[curious2no] done

[Stephen13]  well you made some pretty convincing points

[curious2no] do you agree with my argument?

[Stephen13]  yup

[curious2no] cool, thanks for your time


[curious2no] Hey are you White, and if so, can I ask you a question about race?

[Stephen045]  umm yes i am white. and yes you can. just
  know that i have puerto rican family. dont piss me off.

[Stephen045]  whats your question?

[curious2no] lmao dont worry i wont

[curious2no] Okay, I want to see if I can convince you that Biracials (white/black) can
  be "White". Hear my argument out, ill say when im finished.

[Stephen045]  umm im not following.

[Stephen045]  please elaborate.

[curious2no] with pleasure

[curious2no]  1. "white" means a person of european heritage.

[curious2no]  2. "heritage" depends on both race and culture.

[curious2no]  3. if your heritage is mostly white, then you are white.

[curious2no]  4. some biracials (white/black) have totally White culture.

[curious2no]  5. therefore, they are mostly White in heritage, therefore, they are White.

[curious2no] done

[Stephen045]  well i follow what your sister who is german and white married a man
    who is of puerto rican descent. so therefore my niece and nephew are biracial. however they are
    encouraged to embrace both the white and the spanish aspects of their what would that make them?

[curious2no] in that case I would say they are mixed

[curious2no] because they inherited both heritages

[curious2no] if they were raised only White, they would be White

[Stephen045]  oh ok yeah i totally follow what your saying.

[Stephen045]  i agree.

[curious2no] ok, thanks for your time man, see you

[Stephen045]  its all about there upbringing is basically what your saying. i agree.

[curious2no] yea

[Stephen045]  k bye.

[curious2no] thats what i mean

[curious2no] laters

[curious2no] XD

[curious2no] Hey are you White, and if so, can I ask you a question about race?

[alex255] yea?

[curious2no] Okay, I want to see if I can convince you that Biracials (white/black) can be "White".

[alex255] how?

[curious2no] k here goes my argument, ill say when im done.

[curious2no]  1. "white" means a person of european heritage.

[curious2no]  2. "heritage" depends on both race and culture.

[curious2no]  3. if your heritage is mostly white, then you are white.

[curious2no]  4. some biracials (white/black) have totally White culture.

[curious2no]  5. therefore their heritage is mostly White, therefore they are White.

[curious2no] done.

[alex255] ok

[curious2no] k, so do you agree?

[alex255] yea

[curious2no] ok thanks a lot, thats all I wanted to know


[curious2no]  Hey are you White, and if so, can I ask you a question about race?

[BrettHammilton06]  yes and sure

[curious2no] Okay, I want to see if I can convince you that Biracials

    (white/black) can be "White". Here my argument out, ill say when im finished.

[curious2no]  1. "white" means a person of european heritage.

[curious2no]  2. "heritage" depends on both race (ancestry) and culture.

[curious2no]  3. if your heritage is mostly white, then you are white.

[curious2no]  4. some biracials (white/black) have totally White culture.

[curious2no]  5. therefore their heritage is mostly White, therefore they are White.

[curious2no] finished

[curious2no] so do you agree?

[BrettHammilton06]  not true ur part white not full white and will probably
    never be viewed as such put u get partial credit :)

[curious2no]  do you dispute that such people are culturally White?

[BrettHammilton06]  me no but im not the one to be convinced

[curious2no]  okay, im just talking about YOU, not what society thinks

[curious2no]  are you convinced?

[BrettHammilton06]  fuck society

[curious2no]  exactly

[BrettHammilton06]  and if thats the case u could say im part black or
    some shit cause i love weed watermelon and coolaid Fuck!

[curious2no]  lol

[curious2no]  well do you get my logic though?

[BrettHammilton06]  yeah

[BrettHammilton06]  but youll always get ignorant people to debate that shit

[curious2no]  and so you agree that Biracials can be White if their
    culture is White and they were raised that way, REGARDLESS OF

[BrettHammilton06]  culturley sure

[curious2no]  i mean in terms of heritage

[curious2no]  overall heritage

[BrettHammilton06]  yeah id agree

[curious2no]  i dont simply mean culture

[curious2no]  i mean heritage, which is a combination of culture and race

[curious2no]  overall

[curious2no]  not saying they are pure, im just saying they are OVERALL European

[curious2no]  clear?

[BrettHammilton06]  heritage wise u probably wouldnt be considered white or black

[BrettHammilton06]  u have two different cultures

[curious2no]  ok i dont care what people think though, i mean what YOU think

[curious2no]  do you agree with my assertion?

[BrettHammilton06]  the white side and the black or mexican or whatever

[BrettHammilton06]  that ur compleatly white?

[BrettHammilton06]  id have to say no cause thats just not the case

[curious2no]  let me put my assertion to you again, hold on

[BrettHammilton06]  ok

[curious2no]  I said a White person is someone of "European heritage"

[curious2no]  and that this means both culture and race

[curious2no]  and that some biracials are 100% culturally White

[curious2no]  even though they have a black parent

[curious2no]  and that therefore, they are European in heritage, overall, or predominately

[curious2no]  and that therefore they are White people, or European people.

[curious2no]  that is my argument

[BrettHammilton06]  yeah

[curious2no]  ah, so you agree with me?

[BrettHammilton06]  sure u make a good point

[curious2no]  lol thanks bro

[BrettHammilton06]  no prob

[curious2no]  that's all I wanted to know, I appreciate your time


[curious2no] Hey are you White, and if so, can I ask you a question about race?

[trackstar187]  yeah im white

[curious2no] Okay, I want to see if I can convince you that Biracials

    (white/black) can be "White". Hear my argument out, ill say when im finished.

[curious2no]  1. "white" means a person of european heritage.

[curious2no]  2. "heritage" depends on both race (ancestry) and culture.

[curious2no]  3. if your heritage is mostly white, then you are white.

[curious2no]  4. some biracials (white/black) have totally White culture.

[curious2no]  5. therefore their heritage is mostly White, therefore they are White.

[curious2no] done

[curious2no] Have I convinced you?

[trackstar187]  yeah

[curious2no] ok cool, thanks for your time man.


...[beginning of the conversation was lost]...

[Ak-411]  yeah i agree for sure dude!

[curious2no]    ok, for the record, you agree that a Biracial person who is half White and half Black genetically,  if they are raised 100% culturally White, can be a "White person" or a "European person"? And you yourself are a White person?

[Ak-411]  lol yeah! dude do you smoke weed cuz thats a total stoner
    convo! you could go on for like hours just discussing this! yes i am a white

[curious2no] XD, i appreciate the help

[Ak-411]  Yeah no problem!



  1. I see the point you are trying to make but it does not make sense to me. By your logic ,a fully Black person raised by White(adoptive) parents in a White environment could claim to be White which they ,obviously ,are not.Nurture may well be more important than nature in shaping our outlook but it doesn't cancel it out.
    I am biracial ,I am accepted and happy both with Whites and Blacks and don't feel I would rise in anyone's perception by pretending that my Black ancestry was any less important than my White ancestry even though the culture I have grown up in is White.If I -as do most people raised in White cultures-lack knowledge of Black culture and achievment the fault lies in my laziness in not seeking out imformation that is not handed to me on a platter the way White culture is and not in Black culture.
    I've never had trouble being considered as the equal of anyone Black or White,or belonging wherever I was, without having to convince anyone of it.Perhaps the problems you've discussed lie more with the country you live in (I'll bet it's the U.S.A.)than with how Blacks are perceived in general(in your opinion)-you might consider moving to a more evolved society like Canada,for example,where there is no need to pretend you are anything but what you are to be an equal and you are judged by what you do rather than by what someone to whom you bear some resemblance has done.You'd be amazed at the difference not having a sordid past of slavery to justify or get past makes.

  2. Amen Lorna! I am also Bi-racial (half black half white) and I live in Canada. When I stumbled across your blog I was very intrigued and excited by what appeared to me as a promising and informative look at the mulatto person. As I've read through I feel like you are trying very strongly to prove that mulatto people are closer to white people or why they should be considered white. Why is that?

    As a mulatto Canadian I am very secure in both my blackness and whiteness and would never feel the need to lean more to one side. I am a person who is mixed. Period. I am not white and I am not black. I am mulatto. In my opinion I think it's wonderful to be completely new "type" of human, naturally created by joining of races humans. t says a lot about the evolution of people, technology, and love that people like us exist. I'm not sure if you see where I'm going with this...but I think it's pretty cool to be what I am...mulatto!

    Ps...Skin is just skin my friend. It goes as far as appearance. JUST A FRIENDLY REMINDER.


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