Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Purpose of This Site

Mixed White Advocate is an educational and empowering resource for White Anglo-Americans with partial Black ancestry. This site advocates for Mixed Whites, all of the rights, privileges, and honors presently reserved for pure Caucasians in American Society. It is a defense against the defamation and abuse of those who wish to deprive us of our identity.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this site. Being from Europe I never thought about defining myself as anything but a German, as this was the country I was born and raised in. I didn't even know about a lot of the stuff going on in the US until I read Anatole's daughters book (which made me roll my eyes. Don't even let me get started about that one..) My father is African American, but I have nothing to do with him. I do not hate myself, neither do I hate blacks but I'm not black. Even when people tried to make me identify as black I didn't back down. Yes, I have dark brown eyes and hair. So does my grandmother, who is as German as can be. I look almost exactly like her when she was young, all the same features.


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