Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Essential Definitions (Read This First!)

A good understanding of Mixed White advocacy depends on a thorough grasp of the following definitions. Be sure to review them before you read the other entries in this blog.

Biracial - A person of dual racial parentage.

Black - (1) A person of predominately Negro African heritage. (2) A member of any of several ethnic groups, identifying themselves on the basis of Negro African heritage. (3) A person of Negro race or phenotype. (4) Relating to Negro Africa, Negro African civilization(s), or an ethnic group of Negro African extraction.

Caste - A group of people within a society, who, by force of law or custom, are restricted from intermarriage or association with a socially superior (or subordinate) class.

Caucasian (Caucasoid) - A person belonging to the Caucasoid branch of the three principal human races.

Creole - (1) A person of mixed racial heritage. (2) A member of any of several self-styled ethnic groups.

Community - A body of people, usually living in close proximity to one another, who share a common sense of identity.

Culture - The learned patterns of thought and behavior, and the material artifacts, which are characteristic of a society or community.

- The ethnic group or groups, with which a person shares strong kinship, by right of heritage, or mutual social acceptance.

Ethnic Group - An endogamous community of people, regarding itself as autonomous, whose members identify with one another on the basis of inherited characteristics.

Ethnic Identity - The enduring sense of kinship to an ethnic group, which forms in early childhood as a result of interpersonal contacts and cultural inculcation.

Heritage - The cultural and biological traits which a person inherits from their parents and community.

Hypodescent - A social custom in which the offspring of socially unequal parents, is assigned to the subordinate community or caste.

Mixed White - An ethnically White person, who shares part of their heritage with a Negro (i.e. Black) people.

Mulatto - The offspring of a Caucasian and a Negro, or of two such hybrids.

Multiculturalism - The doctrine that minorities should enjoy political and cultural hegemony (ostensibly equality) in White societies.

Negro (Negroid) - A person belonging to the Negroid branch of the three principal human races.

Non-Black - A person of whose predominate heritage is other than Negro or Black.

One-Drop-Rule - The American legal custom whereby a White person of no Negro ancestry, is assigned to the Black race and caste.

Personal Identity - A person's professed affinity to a group of people, with whom they ostensibly share common cultural, racial, religious, or other similarities.

Race - A geographically contiguous population within the human species, which is characterized by significant morphological or genetic discontinuity with surrounding populations.

Racism - The doctrine that racial origin is the determining factor in human cultural and behavioral traits, and that different races are therefore socially incompatible.

Social Designation - The involuntary assignment of an individual, by a society or community, to a perceived cultural, racial, religious, or ethnic group.

- A self-perpetuating and cooperating social group, having a specific identity, which has developed organized patterns of relationships in order to meet the survival and reproductive needs of its members.

Subculture - A culture held by a community of people, which is distinguishable from the culture of the larger community to which they belong.

Tar-Brush ('One Drop') - To involuntarily assign a Black identity, ethnic, or racial designation, to a non-Black person.

White - (1) A person of predominately European heritage. (2) A member of any of several ethnic groups, identifying themselves on the basis of European heritage. (3) A person of Caucasian race or phenotype. (4) Relating to Europe, European civilization, or an ethnic group of European extraction.

White Purity - The doctrine that the "inferiority" of Negro blood, disqualifies a person of mixed ancestry from being White.

The Purpose of This Site

Mixed White Advocate is an educational and empowering resource for White Anglo-Americans with partial Black ancestry. This site advocates for Mixed Whites, all of the rights, privileges, and honors presently reserved for pure Caucasians in American Society. It is a defense against the defamation and abuse of those who wish to deprive us of our identity.