Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Problem With the Belief in Negro Inferiority

There is a delusion that we can undo racial disparities by simply pretending that they are either non-existent or entirely the fault of White people. Such a solution is utterly unfeasible. Maybe the differences are due at least partially to genetic factors, or perhaps they are entirely environmental. But, anyone who has reviewed the literature on Negro-White differences knows that environmental theories are suspect at best. So, considering the weakness of the environmental hypothesis, we are left with a serious problem. How do we convince Whites that the relative inferiority of Negroes (for certain measures) is totally environmental? The answer is that we cannot, at least until more data accumulates which will vindicate the negro race. Whites and even Negroes themselves (who are committed to a belief in their own inferiority) will continue to suspect that racial disparities are at least partly hereditary. This is the truth, and no political dogma will obfuscate it.

What does this mean for mixed Whites? Unfortunately, as long as the politically correct dogma denies the existence of racial disparities, or blames them on "racist" oppression (which nobody really buys), people will simply form their own assumptions in private. That means they will stereotype mixed Whites in an unfriendly fashion. We cannot afford for this to happen, because our acceptance in the White community is directly proportional to the belief that we possess genuine European qualities. If race differences are not going away (and they aren't anytime soon), then we need Whites to understand the facts, and we need to clearly distinguish our traits from those of Negroes. There is no other viable option for us. However, there are those in the country who want to maintain the status quo. Negroes and White liberals have an invested interest in silencing discussion on racial differences. Originally in the 1960's such discussion was normative among educators and psychologists. But, when Negroes failed to close the achievement gap in the 1970's, experts gradually adopted the position that investigation of group differences was "part of the problem", and implemented a moratorium on race research. Of course, the tacit admission is that race differences are real, partly genetic, and immutable. People simply refuse to acknowledge this hypocrisy and employ rhetorical devices to silence dissent.

Now, perhaps the reader doubts that there is a pervasive belief in the racial inferiority of Negroes (and mixed race people). After all, hate crimes are infrequent, Whites are tolerant of minorities, and intermarriage is higher than ever before. But overt hatred is not the problem which confronts us, implicit beliefs and covert prejudice are the matter of concern. To investigate the belief in Negro and mixed-race inferiority, I conducted a survey in a popular internet chat room with mostly young adult and teenage users. I asked 138 people if they were White Americans, and willing to answer my poll. I acquired 25 respondents. The average age was 17.2, with a range from 14 - 22 years old. 56% of respondents were male, and 44% were female. I asked each respondent the following question:
"Psychologists have found that White Americans score 100 on IQ tests, Mulattoes score 94, and Blacks score 83. The Lowest European country scores 92. The highest African country scores 78. With which of the following do you MOST agree? (a) The differences are entirely genetic. (b) The differences are both environmental and genetic. (c) The differences are entirely environmental."
The results confirmed my claim that there is a pervasive belief in biological Negro inferiority. While few of the respondents indicated overt hostility towards either Negroes or Mulattoes, 52% replied that intelligence differences between the races were at least partly genetic. 20% said they were entirely genetic, and 32% believed they were both environmental and hereditary. Only 48% of respondents replied that intelligence differences were entirely environmental. These results also match similar attitude polls conducted on journalists, editors, and psychometricians. See the following example from Snyderman and Rothman's The IQ Controversy (1989).

Of course there is the objection that such polls simply instruct "racism" rather than measure it. However, this is unlikely because racial disparities, while taboo, are far from secret. Race differences in scholastic aptitude are common knowledge, and racial disparities in crime rates and historical development, are familiar even to children. Given the evidence, it is obvious that the multicultural dogma succeeded in silencing discussion on race differences, but failed to expunge an entrenched belief in White Superiority.

This is the situation, and the pertinent question is what to do about it? Even if it were possible to convince Whites that Negroes are not inferior, it's unlikely that we could succeed where the entire society has failed for over 50 years. This is assuming that we believe in equality ourselves. Realistically, many of us do not agree, which complicates the problem even further. For these reasons, it seems to me that it is a mistake to define mixed race ability as a dependent of that of Negroes. It's a losing battle, not to mention an unnecessary one.

Firstly, biracials are not an inherent "type", but a hybrid whose qualities depend entirely on those of the parents. Importantly, mating between Whites and Negroes is assortative rather than random. Most Negro parents are middle class and educated, while White parents are from a middle class background, educated, but low earning. Consequently, the average properties of Caucasians and Negroes are irrelevant to the characteristics of the Biracial population. Superior Negro parents crossed with superior Caucasian parents, will produce superior biracial offspring. The converse is also true. Second, whatever dysgenesis actually occurs in present interracial matings, the average properties of the mixed race offspring are within the European range. The mean IQ of mulattoes with White mothers (75% of all mulattoes) is 94. The mean IQ of all Biracials is 92. For comparison, the IQ of White Americans is 100, Ireland is 94, Greece is 93, and Croatia is 92. But, so long as intelligence differences are "dogmatized" out of existence by Negroes and White liberals, people will continue to form stereotypical and inaccurate opinions about the relative abilities of pure Caucasians, Mulattoes, and Negroes. They will mistakenly believe that Caucasians are uniform and collectively superior to Mulattoes. They will misjudge the size of the existing differences, and they will attribute the disparity to "racial essence" rather than mating type. For this reason, as long as Negroes are underachieving, mixed Whites cannot afford for people to falsely perceive us as average racial crosses. We must publicize the facts on racial disparities and exonerate ourselves.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


1. Why did you make this site? What is it that you want?
I wanted to put my ideas on a public forum and expose them to mixed race people. I am tired of sitting back and letting Negroes, liberal Whites, and status-jockeying minorities beat us up for their own selfish aims. Someone needs to stand up for us, and I think I am just the person to do it.

2. What do you mean by the term "mixed White"?

"Mixed White" refers to a White (or European) person who is of partial African descent. This is not an oxymoron. Since "White" refers to a person of "European heritage", and heritage consists of both race (ancestry) and culture, a person of mixed ancestry can have a predominately European heritage. In my estimation this means being at least half caucasian, culturally European, and having at least a partially caucasian appearance. Other people may have a different opinion. 

3. Are you for freedom of racial identity, even if that means mixed people choosing to be "Black"?

If you mean identifying with Negroes, the Negro experience, or Africa, then absolutely. If you mean labeling themselves as "Black" or "African American", then absolutely. This is supposing that the aforementioned are legitimate choices made without coercion. However, if you mean pretending they are racially Negro, or culturally African, then NO. Such lies are unacceptable because they enforce the White Purity doctrine.

4. Why do you blame Negroes for the problems of mixed Whites? Aren't racist Whites to blame?

Which racists Whites? Contrary to the Negro and liberal propaganda, America is not a seething bed of White racial hatred. Over half of mixed people marry Whites. There is little discrimination in employment. In 2004, there were an estimated fewer than 409 hate crimes against mixed people, including mixed "Blacks". The hate crime incident rate against Jews was twice as high, and the chances of dying in a car crash were 1.4 times higher.  Regular Whites are not prepared to defend "White Purity", let alone with violence. The only people who are ready to do this, are Negroes, liberal Whites, and status-jockeying minorities. The root of the modern problem lies in their agenda. These people have a collective interest in: (a) undermining White identity and culture, (b) empowering Negroes and other minorities, and (c) absolving "good Whites" of guilt for America's race problem. They cede to Negroes the authority to decide racial etiquette, laud the abuse of mixed-race Whites as "progressive" and "anti-racist", and hide behind Negroes so they don't have to take responsibility for their ideology. Negroes are at the fore front of the problem. Without their official and vigorous support, the White Purity doctrine would crumble into dust.

Specifically, Negroes and the mixed "Black" elite...

1. Publicly act as moral authorities on racial matters, using books, magazines, school cirricula, newspapers, television, the radio, and the internet, to instruct Americans that mixed-Whites are not good enough for their White heritage.

2. Brainwash mixed Whites into believing they are too inferior for their White heritage, that Whites will never accept them, and that they owe their loyalty to Negroes.

3. Act as spokespeople for mixed race people without their consent.

4. Demand racial allegiance from mixed Whites in the public media, while threatening Whites with the "racist" label should they come to their aide.

5. Slander mixed people as ungrateful, cowardly, self-hating, and racist, because they reject a Black identity. This race-policing takes place in real life, the traditional media, and on numerous internet forums which Negroes stalk.

6. Intimidate mixed people with threats of physical violence.

7. Commit acts of physical violence (hate-crimes) against mixed people who reject a Black identity.

8. Steal the accomplishments, physical appearance, and history of mixed people for their own (i.e. tar-brushing historical figures, parading mixed women in Negro magazines, talk-shows, rap videos, and so forth, etc.). This gives the impression that mixed people are inept, and genetically undifferentiated from Negroes, hence less White.

9. Promulgate the lie that mixed people and Negroes have equally bad social characteristics (e.g. school performance, educational attainment, aptitude test scores, employment rate, well-fare rate, incarceration rate, poverty rate, community type, family environment, etc.). This psychologically transfers the poor performance of Negroes onto mixed Whites, and reinforces the implicit belief among Whites that African blood is inherently degrading.

If Negroes aren't to blame, then what are they so afraid of? No other ethnic group takes such extreme lengths to forcibly acquire people that reject them. Something is wrong here. If Whites are really to blame for our problem, then why is the face of the problem nearly always Black? Why don't they stay out of our affairs and let the Whites reject us, slander us, and abuse us on their own? It's because they know Whites won't do it.

Lastly, I want to point out that Negroes themselves are actually the pawns of the "Mulatto Elite", a caste of mixed White persons which inhabits the upper echelons of the Black community. These people are the legacy of the old mixed White community which did not historically identify as "Black". Eventually they accepted a special position as the "best of the Negroes" in the early 20th century, and now in post civil rights America, they fear losing their exalted status. They so internalized their own degradation that they feel undeserving of their White heritage. At the same time, they fear losing the "precious" White blood they adore and turning into Negroes if any of it escapes their community. In a bitter irony, they secretly despise Blacks as much as the Klan, but depend on them for economic subsistence and social prestige. They are the ultimate parasite, and they have duped Negro America into serving their interests rather than its own. 

6. Why don't you blame White people for the problems of mixed Whites? Don't they have all the power?

Which Whites have the power? The average WASP isn't interested in defending the White race from "invading" Negro blood. What's more, if they did care what could they do about it? White identity is politically incorrect, White culture is anathema, and White agitation is an anachronism. The new White power structure in America is liberal, anti-White, radical, and working together with minorities to establish a multicultural society. I do blame these White people. I have said numerous times that they are the shadowy partners of the Black Unity fanatics. Their power, however, comes from the moral legitimacy which society cedes to Negroes. When confronted directly, they point to Negroes and reply: "you can't be White because they said so!".

Specifically, liberal Whites....

1. Convince the White community that Negroes (and their White allies) are the moral authority on racial matters, particularly as they relate to social justice.

2. Silence discussion on racial differences in order to maintain the myth that Negroes and Whites are equally capable, and that disparities are attributable to "racism". The result is that people form inaccurate opinions about racial differences, and mixed race people suffer the consequences of fallacious stereotyping.

3. Vigorously enforce the custom of hypodescent (identifying mixed Whites as non-Whites), instruct regular Whites in the White purity mythology, and accuse challengers of being "racist".

4. Brainwash their mixed-race children to believe in the White purity doctrine.

5. Give vociferous permission to Negroes to openly attack the heritage and identity of mixed race people, even with racist assaults that would never be tolerated from Caucasians or Mulattoes. 

 7. Why do you use the term "Negro" to describe Black people?

Because the terms "Black" and "African American" are politicized and in certain contexts can refer to people of any race. The term "Negro" more closely refers to a person of typological negroid race.

8. Are you a racist? Is this a White Supremacist site?

No I am not a "racist", and no this is not a "White Supremacist" site. Nowadays people throw the term "racist" around like confetti, without the slightest notion as to what it actually means. A "racist" believes that human races are incompatible and cannot participate in the same society as equals. This is because, to the racist mind, all members of a race possess the same intrinsic human nature or "folk spirit", and these natures are irreconcilable with one another. Consequently, interracial contact under the condition of equality results in disaster. I do not advocate this sort of nonsense. The romantic notion of racial "spirit" is scientifically bunk.

9. Isn't it racist to mention "racial IQ differences", or that "Negroes want to improve their race with White genes"?

No it is not racist. Sadly, in today's society it is taboo to mention the truth about race and mental ability. Look, no scientist disputes the existence of IQ differences between human races. The point of contention, is what causes these differences. Are they environmental, genetic, or both? Personally, I could care less what the causes are. What matters to me, is how the suspicion that the differences are genetic, affects mixed race Whites. It is critical to point out the facts as they stand, because this is the only way to challenge White Supremacist assumptions about mixed Whites. It is also necessary to expose the racial jealousy and White Supremacist thinking, which underlies the behavior of Negroes and liberal Whites, respectively.

10. Why are you against multiculturalism? Isn't that racist?

No it is not racist. Multiculturalism is an anti-White farce perpetuated by Negroes and other minorities who want a bigger piece of the pie. It has nothing to do with equality or tolerance. It's sole goal is to delegitimate Whiteness and replace White America with a multiracial, multicultural hodgepodge of ethnic groups, all vying for political and social hegemony. Multiculturalism is absolutely antithetical to White identity. Paradoxically, it is also the primary driver of the White Purity Doctrine, because Negroes, guilt-ridden White liberals, and status jockeying minorities, use it as a smoke screen to attack mixed Whites for their own ends. They don't care if they reinforce White Supremacy in achieving their goals, because it is a dead doctrine, and the only people who suffer from its rhetoric are the same people they are victimizing.

TragicNegroes Blog

Insightful reading over at TragicNegroes blog. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Do White People Accept Us?

Most mixed race people believe that pure Whites will not accept them were they to openly identify as White. This propaganda that it isn't a legitimate option is ubiquitous. Most damagingly, the White parents in interracial relationships embrace this rhetoric virulently. They do so firstly in an effort to appease their black partners, secondly to convince themselves that they are not "racist", and thirdly, because they secretly agree with the White Purity doctrine, and hiding behind the smokescreen of "supporting Blacks" is a convenient farce. Ironically, because they fear the specter of White Supremacy, liberal Whites actually utilize their own implicit racist beliefs in defense of the egalitarian world-view. Conservative Whites are more likely to accept mixed race people than liberals, because they do not have the same fanatical "commitment" to racial egalitarianism. This results in their adopting more realistic and fair attitudes towards race relations. They are willing, to some extent, to challenge their own racist attitudes, and they are impressed by pro-White attitudes in mixed people. On the other hand, White identity terrifies and appalls liberals, and rightfully so. After all, they despise themselves for being White and for secretly feeling superior to Blacks. It's only natural that they should harbor such animosity towards their fellow mixed race Whites.

I want to share some conversations with White American chat room users, that took place in June 2010. You will see from these transcripts that the "rejection myth" is a fraud. Without an explicit affirmation of White Supremacy, there is no way to legitimate the White Purity Mythology. Consequently, many White people are able to see our reasoning, and DO indeed accept us, if given the chance. I tell everyone in my personal life that I am White when they first ask me about my ethnicity. Few Whites argue, and the ones who do are Negrophiles. If you doubt the veracity of my assertions, see for yourself: Go out and try it in real life. You will find that few Whites will argue. This is NOT because they secretly think you are a "nigger", as Blacks claim. It's because they aren't committed to rejecting you. Furthermore, with a simple explanation (should the need ever arise, and it doesn't often), most are easily convinced. I know this for a fact, because on several occasions I have done just this (in real life), and successfully made my point. In the chat rooms, I convinced eight out of the nine people I spoke to. So much for the "Whites will never accept you" nonsense Blacks taut


[curious2no] Hey are you White, and if so, can I ask you a question about race?

[soccerandturf]  ya and yep

[curious2no] Okay, I want to see if I can convince you that Biracials (white/black) can be "White".

[soccerandturf]  alright

[soccerandturf]  go for it

[curious2no] ok, just hear it all out ill say when im done

[soccerandturf]  alright

[curious2no]  1. "white" means a "person of european heritage"

[curious2no]  2. heritage means race and culture put together. If a person has mostly White heritage
   then they are White, that is they are European.

[curious2no]  3. Some biracials have a White parent and a Black a parent, but a totally White culture.

[curious2no]  4. Therefore they are mostly European by heritage, and therefore they are White.

[curious2no] done

[soccerandturf] well you've convinced me

[curious2no] lol, that was easy

[curious2no]  XD

[curious2no] Hey are you White, and if so, can I ask you a question about race?

[Stephen13]  i am very white yes

[curious2no] ok, im going to convince you that biracials can be white

[Stephen13]  what

[curious2no] that a person who is half black and half white, can still be white

[Stephen13]  oooh

[Stephen13]  okay

[Stephen13]  shoot

[curious2no] ok man, just hear it all out, and ill say when im finished

[Stephen13]  ok

[curious2no]  1. "white" means a person of "european heritage"

[curious2no]  2. "heritage" means both culture and race put together.

[Stephen13]  yup

[curious2no]  3. if your heritage is mostly European, you are a White person.

[curious2no]  4. some biracials (white/black) have 100% european culture, or White culture.

[curious2no]  5. Therefore their heritage is mostly european, therefore they are White.

[curious2no] done

[Stephen13]  well you made some pretty convincing points

[curious2no] do you agree with my argument?

[Stephen13]  yup

[curious2no] cool, thanks for your time


[curious2no] Hey are you White, and if so, can I ask you a question about race?

[Stephen045]  umm yes i am white. and yes you can. just
  know that i have puerto rican family. dont piss me off.

[Stephen045]  whats your question?

[curious2no] lmao dont worry i wont

[curious2no] Okay, I want to see if I can convince you that Biracials (white/black) can
  be "White". Hear my argument out, ill say when im finished.

[Stephen045]  umm im not following.

[Stephen045]  please elaborate.

[curious2no] with pleasure

[curious2no]  1. "white" means a person of european heritage.

[curious2no]  2. "heritage" depends on both race and culture.

[curious2no]  3. if your heritage is mostly white, then you are white.

[curious2no]  4. some biracials (white/black) have totally White culture.

[curious2no]  5. therefore, they are mostly White in heritage, therefore, they are White.

[curious2no] done

[Stephen045]  well i follow what your sister who is german and white married a man
    who is of puerto rican descent. so therefore my niece and nephew are biracial. however they are
    encouraged to embrace both the white and the spanish aspects of their what would that make them?

[curious2no] in that case I would say they are mixed

[curious2no] because they inherited both heritages

[curious2no] if they were raised only White, they would be White

[Stephen045]  oh ok yeah i totally follow what your saying.

[Stephen045]  i agree.

[curious2no] ok, thanks for your time man, see you

[Stephen045]  its all about there upbringing is basically what your saying. i agree.

[curious2no] yea

[Stephen045]  k bye.

[curious2no] thats what i mean

[curious2no] laters

[curious2no] XD

[curious2no] Hey are you White, and if so, can I ask you a question about race?

[alex255] yea?

[curious2no] Okay, I want to see if I can convince you that Biracials (white/black) can be "White".

[alex255] how?

[curious2no] k here goes my argument, ill say when im done.

[curious2no]  1. "white" means a person of european heritage.

[curious2no]  2. "heritage" depends on both race and culture.

[curious2no]  3. if your heritage is mostly white, then you are white.

[curious2no]  4. some biracials (white/black) have totally White culture.

[curious2no]  5. therefore their heritage is mostly White, therefore they are White.

[curious2no] done.

[alex255] ok

[curious2no] k, so do you agree?

[alex255] yea

[curious2no] ok thanks a lot, thats all I wanted to know


[curious2no]  Hey are you White, and if so, can I ask you a question about race?

[BrettHammilton06]  yes and sure

[curious2no] Okay, I want to see if I can convince you that Biracials

    (white/black) can be "White". Here my argument out, ill say when im finished.

[curious2no]  1. "white" means a person of european heritage.

[curious2no]  2. "heritage" depends on both race (ancestry) and culture.

[curious2no]  3. if your heritage is mostly white, then you are white.

[curious2no]  4. some biracials (white/black) have totally White culture.

[curious2no]  5. therefore their heritage is mostly White, therefore they are White.

[curious2no] finished

[curious2no] so do you agree?

[BrettHammilton06]  not true ur part white not full white and will probably
    never be viewed as such put u get partial credit :)

[curious2no]  do you dispute that such people are culturally White?

[BrettHammilton06]  me no but im not the one to be convinced

[curious2no]  okay, im just talking about YOU, not what society thinks

[curious2no]  are you convinced?

[BrettHammilton06]  fuck society

[curious2no]  exactly

[BrettHammilton06]  and if thats the case u could say im part black or
    some shit cause i love weed watermelon and coolaid Fuck!

[curious2no]  lol

[curious2no]  well do you get my logic though?

[BrettHammilton06]  yeah

[BrettHammilton06]  but youll always get ignorant people to debate that shit

[curious2no]  and so you agree that Biracials can be White if their
    culture is White and they were raised that way, REGARDLESS OF

[BrettHammilton06]  culturley sure

[curious2no]  i mean in terms of heritage

[curious2no]  overall heritage

[BrettHammilton06]  yeah id agree

[curious2no]  i dont simply mean culture

[curious2no]  i mean heritage, which is a combination of culture and race

[curious2no]  overall

[curious2no]  not saying they are pure, im just saying they are OVERALL European

[curious2no]  clear?

[BrettHammilton06]  heritage wise u probably wouldnt be considered white or black

[BrettHammilton06]  u have two different cultures

[curious2no]  ok i dont care what people think though, i mean what YOU think

[curious2no]  do you agree with my assertion?

[BrettHammilton06]  the white side and the black or mexican or whatever

[BrettHammilton06]  that ur compleatly white?

[BrettHammilton06]  id have to say no cause thats just not the case

[curious2no]  let me put my assertion to you again, hold on

[BrettHammilton06]  ok

[curious2no]  I said a White person is someone of "European heritage"

[curious2no]  and that this means both culture and race

[curious2no]  and that some biracials are 100% culturally White

[curious2no]  even though they have a black parent

[curious2no]  and that therefore, they are European in heritage, overall, or predominately

[curious2no]  and that therefore they are White people, or European people.

[curious2no]  that is my argument

[BrettHammilton06]  yeah

[curious2no]  ah, so you agree with me?

[BrettHammilton06]  sure u make a good point

[curious2no]  lol thanks bro

[BrettHammilton06]  no prob

[curious2no]  that's all I wanted to know, I appreciate your time


[curious2no] Hey are you White, and if so, can I ask you a question about race?

[trackstar187]  yeah im white

[curious2no] Okay, I want to see if I can convince you that Biracials

    (white/black) can be "White". Hear my argument out, ill say when im finished.

[curious2no]  1. "white" means a person of european heritage.

[curious2no]  2. "heritage" depends on both race (ancestry) and culture.

[curious2no]  3. if your heritage is mostly white, then you are white.

[curious2no]  4. some biracials (white/black) have totally White culture.

[curious2no]  5. therefore their heritage is mostly White, therefore they are White.

[curious2no] done

[curious2no] Have I convinced you?

[trackstar187]  yeah

[curious2no] ok cool, thanks for your time man.


...[beginning of the conversation was lost]...

[Ak-411]  yeah i agree for sure dude!

[curious2no]    ok, for the record, you agree that a Biracial person who is half White and half Black genetically,  if they are raised 100% culturally White, can be a "White person" or a "European person"? And you yourself are a White person?

[Ak-411]  lol yeah! dude do you smoke weed cuz thats a total stoner
    convo! you could go on for like hours just discussing this! yes i am a white

[curious2no] XD, i appreciate the help

[Ak-411]  Yeah no problem!


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Readers' Commentary

July 12th, 2010.
Anonymous said...

what in the world is an "extreme" negroid phenotype. So called "negroids" do not all look one way they naturally range from light brown to dark brown to almost black in skin color without admixture. "Negroids" even have the highest skin color variation and many different phenotypes. I would know because i am "pure" myself (nigerian) as well as the rest of my family according to DNA testing and we naturally range in different skin colors and facial features.

Vangaurd replied..

Well, an extreme negroid phenotype would be the combination of negro physiognomic traits that are most disparate from the average of the other human races. A stereotype of this might include very thick lips, raised cheekbones, woolly hair, a wide circular face, and very black skin. The image you presented was from a study on African Americans, not pure negroids. Did you even read the paper? You claim that you and four family range in skin color and facial features, but are racially pure? According to what DNA tests are you entirely negroid - autosomal, y-dna, or mtnda? I don't believe you that your appearance is highly variable, you are regurgitating a negro myth that negroids come in all racial variations from White to Black. Nonsense. Submit pictures of yourself and your family along with your DNA tests and evidence that you are not anomalous, and I will publicly withdraw my assertions about negroid phenotypes.

June 25th, 2010.
eshowoman said...

Do you plan to highlight the white ancestry of the millions of black Americans whose white ancestry comes from rape and forced sexual slavery?

Vangaurd replied..

First of all, it didn't come DIRECTLY from White slave masters, it came from Mixed Whites who later interbreed with Negroes. Secondly, what is your point? 

June 25th, 2010. 
eshowoman said...

You are free to be anything you want. But you are being dishonest if you include people like Walter and Jane White, Hallie Berry, Mariah Carey and Vin Disel. All these people have publicly stated that they are black (Disel is black Dominican) Nicole Richie was adopted she is actually Hispanic. I also note that you didn't include the facts that most of the white admixture in black folks comes from rape and forced concubinage and other forms of sexual sadism. That's were my white ancestry comes from and I in no way consider myself white. Also people like Emmitt Smith and Don Cheadle have white ancestry how do you square that with your tables and percentages.Berber and other N. African ethnic groups has light skin but do not consider themselves white. Finally what is so bad about being black?

Vangaurd replied..

Dishonest? Let's see who is being dishonest. You repeat a negro myth that defining "Black" as anything you want actually makes it so. It doesn't. None of those people are Black by heritage, and that is the lie. They are all White people, with White culture and are caucasians to boot. If they identify as Black, this choice was not made freely. If it were a real option they would NOT have made it in the first place, as you damn well know.

Next, you regurgitate another Negro accusation: the White blood of African Americans comes from slave rape so it's something to be ashamed of. Here's the problem sweety, it doesn't. Most interracial unions have always been Black male - White female according to genetic and historical analysis. During slavery about 40% of mixed race persons were in the South. That's hardly a majority, so how do you know where YOUR White ancestry came from? What's more, the mixed White community did not identify as Black in any way shape or form until it amalgamated with Negroes circa 1930. 75% of the White blood in the African American community comes only indirectly from "pure" Whites. Mixed Whites were not ashamed of their "slave-rape" ancestry, and you know why? It wasn't rape most of the time, and there's nothing shameful about a slave consorting with the master in order to better her children. Your delusion is that vicious White masters stalked innocent coal-black beauties in their slave cabins and ravaged them senseless. Sounds more like a forbidden sexual fantasy to me. In reality, attractive Black women were brought into the household and sought relationships with the master for material gain. Was there rape? Yes. But there is no proof that rape was the major source of interracial sex in the South, and nationally it was most definitely the minor factor.

You expose your ignorance of human genetics and attempt to use this lack of education to your advantage. Physical traits are relatively segregated but highly correlated with genetic ancestry. As a result, the probability of a mostly negro person with some caucasian admixture, acquiring a pure negro phenotype, is relatively LOW but certainly not impossibly so. Weren't you paying attention to my article on the "genetic fraud" myth? I explain that "quadroons" often have a completely European appearance (given their 20% negro ancestry). This is analogous to Don Cheadle and Emmit Smith, who have inverse ancestry proportions and a converse phenotype to quadroons. Somehow this logic escaped you. It's not that there is no admixture apparent in their faces, it's that you can't tell because it is within the variance of the group. Also, Don Cheadle and Emmit Smith do not look like extreme negroid types, and neither do many quadroons look like extreme nordic types, although they may have blonde hair and blue eyes. In general, people at the 20% line look like dark or light versions of caucasians and negroids, respectively. As for berbers and North Africans, they firstly do consider themselves White, and secondly they are caucasoids so their self-perception is accurate. Of course some berbers are actually mixed race but I assume you were speaking of the caucasian looking ones.

Lastly you ask me what's so bad about being Black. Why don't you tell me, since you are so desperate to get White genes into your race in order to improve it. You must have a pretty good idea about what's wrong with it.

June 20, 2010.
Anonymous said...

It's best not to give publicity to black-identified scum like the author of the [edited] web site. He does not recognize the existence of mixed-whites because he desperately believes that his "race" needs the supposedly superior genes of his hated but adored "white" enemy "race" to "improve" their stock. If he truly believed in the equality of the "race" he claims to champion, he would not be so desperate to force whites and other NONBLACKS into his "race."

Vangaurd replied..

I agree it's best not to give her publicity and that she is desperate for White genes in order to "improve" the black racial stock. However, people like her need to be confronted and exposed as the malignant stooges of White Purity. Even more importantly, their liberal White masters must be dragged into the spot-light and repudiated. Allowing them to go unchallenged is ultimately a concession. Thus, a response is in order that will not give her undue publicity while refuting her hogwash.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Debunking the "White Purity" Mythology

"Obama rejected the race and ethnicity of his loving white mother and grandparents in favor of "blackness" and is lionized for it. Hispanics and Arabs were willing to go to court to demand that they be called "white" regardless of looks and ancestry. Liberal whites who whine about racism will not stand up to the blacks (like Henry Louis Gates, Jr.) who demonize the late Anatole Broyard for "passing" for a white race that was his biological and cultural reality. Blacks have no right to claim anyone who "looks white" or otherwise nonblack for their "race." That is a "right" they claim which no one should respect."

- A.D. Powell

In "What is a Mixed White Person?" I explained the concept of mixed Whiteness and the logic supporting it. Now, I would like to present the mythology that inculcates and reinforces the "White Purity" doctrine. Recall that this ideology defines White persons as those who are fully European. The tacit understanding is that only pure caucasians (or those who look pure) are good enough for their White heritage. There are is one major myth with three forms, and two associated minor myths, which instruct and enforce this doctrine. The major notion, is that mixed people are genetic frauds who are too inferior for their White heritage. The first supporting notion, is that mixed people must choose a Black identity (or non-White identity), because the White community will reject them. The second supporting notion, is that mixed people must choose a Black identity (or non-White identity), because they owe Blacks their loyalty.

This mythology is disseminated through magazines, newspapers, television shows, movies, books, parental instruction, educational institutions, interpersonal contacts, and so on. Children learn that as adults, society expects them to respect and enforce these beliefs. To accomplish this, society teaches them rhetorical devices to employ against those who defy the dogma. These assume the form of pre-packaged accusations which an "enforcer" uses to demand compliance with one or several of the purity myths. In some cases the myth is communicated implicitly because it conflicts with the official ideals of our society. Other times, the myth is explicated directly. In all instances, the goal of the accuser is to coerce, terrorize, or shame the accused into respecting the purity mythology.

1. The "Genetic Fraud" Myth:

"Mixed people are not good enough for their White heritage, because they lack the superior racial qualities of genuine Whites."
This belief takes on three specific forms:

A. The offspring between a caucasian and a negro looks more like the negro parent, and the black ancestry is obvious after generations of mixing with Whites.

There are four implications here. The first, is that physical characteristics are indicative of other "racial" qualities, such as behavior, mental ability, and culture. The second, is that mixed people are genetically inferior because their racial traits are more like the inferior Blacks than Whites. The third, is that mixed people are genetically incapable of reproducing the White race, and therefore inadmissible as members of the White community. The fourth, is that mixed people are "racial aliens" to whom the White community has no familial and social responsibility.

The diagram below is a computer generation of the typological face for a person of each of several ancestry combinations between Black and White. In this case, the Black face is from the United States and isn't representative of pure negroes. Look at the diagram and for each generation, notice the shape of the nose, the color of the hair and eyes, the shape of the lips, the structure of the face, the extension of the cheeks, and the distance between the eyes and shape of the orbits.

Eye color is a particularly important trait because people consider it a major indicator of Caucasian ancestry. Here is an example of the distribution of brown irises in the southern Europeans (Spanish). Each brown European iris is matched with a biracial Brown eye. As you can see there is considerable overlap. The reason why is that eye color is a quantitative trait so multiple genes contribute to a person's phenotype. American Whites are of mostly northern European ancestry and typically have light blue, blue, and blue-green eyes. Alternatively, American Negroes normally have eyes that are in the upper area of the West African range due to the 20% frequency of blue alleles (gene version) from centuries of caucasian admixture. These gene frequencies produce mixed race offspring with slightly more blue alleles than dark brown, both of which are expressed to some degree, giving an appearance in the dark European range, as occurs in Southern Europe.

Next, look at this composite of negro-cauacasian hybrids, negroes from Africa, and caucasians. Note the distinctions in racial phenotype. Color eyes from brown to blue, skin tone from brown to white, thin and medium lips, curly or semi-curly (as opposed to woolly) hair, a protruding nose of moderate or thin width, a rectangular face, unpronounced cheek bones, are all caucasoid or caucasoid derived racial traits. Most are absent in pure negro populations. Now, as you can see, the mixed-race faces span a range of phenotypes between negro and caucasian. Use the perfect averages in the previous slide to evaluate these faces. In the general population, most mixed-race people fall into a range from the midpoint of the "mixed spectrum", to several faces towards the caucasian pole. This exactly matches their genotypic ancestry, which is approximately 60% caucasian and 40% negro. The near perfect correlation between anthropometry and racial admixture has also been confirmed by scientific studies. Clearly, negro physical traits are neither dominant nor prevailing.

Lastly, take a look at these slides of celebrity families with quadroon children. These results are typical. Given their approximately 20% negro ancestry, most children of biracial-caucasian crosses are phenotypically caucasian, and often demonstrate no visible black ancestry. The mythological belief in the "uncleansible" negro taint, is clearly false. A first generation back-crossing into the parental White population produces racially White children.

B. The offspring between a caucasian and a negro has just as much Black blood, as White blood.

The first implication is that cultural and behavioral traits, and hence group membership, are determined primarily by racial origin. Since Biracials are just as Black as they are White, and since negro blood is ostensibly inferior, they are really closer to the negro parent. Also, aside from the presumption of dysgenic breeding, the degree of negro or caucasian ancestry has an important impact on the heritage of an individual. Thus, the myth blackens Biracials by reducing their European ancestry to the greatest degree possible.

It is interesting how many people point out the racial impurity of Black Americans as an attack against mixed people, and in the same instance, forget what that implies for inter-group breeding. Well, you can't have your chocolate cake and eat it too. Bryc et al. (2010), studied the genetic origins of African Americans, European Americans, and West Africans. The researchers found that fewer than 2% of "Blacks" are genetically caucasoid, fewer than 6% are at least half European, and that 70% are negroid. Since Blacks are approximately 18% caucasian in racial origin, their offspring with Whites are at least 59% European. As it turns out, this estimation is too low because the Black (identified) parents of biracials are predominately middle-class, and class structure correlates with genetic admixture in Blacks (I estimate that intermarried Blacks are ~25% caucasian). 

C. The mental and behavioral qualities of mixed people are superior to negroes, but inferior to caucasians.

I am working on this section as I have time

1. Intelligence Testing
A. Educational Attainment
1. Mathematicians.
2. Physicists.
3. Government Officials.
4. Military Commanders.

"Until the mid 1980s, Charles Bell, David Blackwell, A. T. Bharucha-Reid, and J. Ernest Wilkins had published more mathematics than the entire rest of the entire African American community."

-  Scott Williams,

The "Rejection" Myth:

"Mixed people must accept a Black (or Biracial) identity, because the White community will reject them."
This myth subordinates White heritage to social designation, in order to delegitimate it. The idea is that if people do not perceive you as "White", then it doesn't matter what you technically are. By de facto, you become ethnically "Black" or "Biracial", and therefore you have no choice but to accept this designation against your will. There are four problems with this belief.

The first problem, is that ethnic identity is rooted in early childhood experiences and after the age of four it is immutable. It is impossible to change your identity to "Black" or "Biracial" even if you wanted to. This is the reason so many biracials are "confused". Society pressures them to "choose" an identity which conflicts with their automatic self-perception, and unsurprisingly, they end up very unhappy and unable to fully accept it.

The second problem, is that ethnic heritage is a biological property which cannot be negated by social convention. This is true because both culture and racial ancestry are physical characteristics. This is obvious in the case of lineage, but less clear in the case of behavior. However, cultural norms are ingrained patterns of thought and behavior which do not change after early childhood. These mental processes (which are controlled by neural circuits in the brain) become permanent schemas that are just as much a part of us as our bodies. This is the reason immigrants have such trouble adjusting to new societies and never fully assimilate. You can learn new ways of thinking and acting, but you will never fully adopt them and you will never erase your childhood culture.

The third problem, is that it isn't true that "pure" Whites will not accept biracials. This is a lie which Negroes and guilt-ridden White liberals promulgate, in order to prevent mixed Whites from asserting a White identity. To begin with, the farce is lacking in theoretical validity. The historical imputus for hypodescent (the custom of assigning biracials to the Negro caste), was to maintain a large degree of social distance between Whites and Blacks. This was necessary because Whites endorsed a doctrine of White Supremacy, which dictated that the White race must reign supreme over all others, or even eliminate them all together. Because race-mixing brings Whites and Blacks closer together (at least marginally), it was a threat to the White Supremacy Doctrine. Thus, Whites involuntarily assigned biracials to the Negro caste to maintain their social hegemony. However, after World War II, the academic establishment turned against White Supremacy as a reaction to the atrocities of the Nazi regime. The 1960's era civil rights movement capitalized on this thinking, and with the help of the academe, managed to convince White America to abandon White Supremacy. The point is, that without the doctrine of White Supremacy, Whites no longer need hypodescent because they are not committed to maintaining a massive social distance with Blacks (such as outright domination requires). So far I have spoken of theory, however the proof of this is two-fold. Firstly, intermarriage rates have sky-rocketed higher than ever before. Anthropologists use intermarriage as the meter stick of ethnicity, and more importantly for our purposes, social distance. If Whites were interested in maintaining extreme social distance with Blacks, this would not occur. A number of nationally representative studies on White attitudes have found that 70 - 75% either have positive or neutral attitudes towards intermarriage with Blacks. Furthermore, if the hypothetical Blacks in question reflected those that intermarry (predominately middle class and educated), I suspect the acceptance rate would be much higher. Secondly, I have found that in real life, Whites are not interested in rejecting me despite my mixed-race features. Quite to the contrary, in several experiments I  found it easy to convince them that biracials can be White (see "Do Whites Accept US?"). If "pure" Whites categorically rejected mixed people, this would not be the case.

The fourth problem, is that a "Black" or "Biracial" social designation is a degradation for mixed White persons. Notice that a Japanese who is not accepted by other Japanese, is still "Japanese". I personally know such a girl, and no one asks her to adopt a different identity simply because she is half Korean. A Negro who is rejected by other Negroes (say for acting too White), is not expected to identify differently. The point is, even if others in your ethnic group reject you, few people will challenge your legitimate right to that identity. That is, unless you are mixed race and identify as White. The reason is simple: you aren't good enough for your White heritage, and so you ought to adopt a socially inferior identity which suits your biological inferiority. There is absolutely no other reason to accept a non-White social designation. If Whites really don't accept biracials, there is always the option of spending time with other groups of people. It has no bearing on our heritage whatever Whites think. Redefining yourself as "Biracial" or "Black", and associating with people who reject your true White identity, is not only insulting, but counter-logical to the goal of associating with those who DO accept you for what you are. A cliche slogan is in order here:

"I would rather be hated for what I am, then loved for what I am not."

3. The "Sell out" Myth:

"Mixed people must accept a Black (or non-White) identity, because they owe their loyalty to Blacks."
This is perhaps the most insidious belief associated with the White Purity doctrine, because it masquerades as anti-racism while actually enforcing the tenants of White Supremacy. The subtext of the myth contains several hidden messages. Firstly, it implies that mixed people are associated with Blacks in some intrinsic sense, rather than with Whites. Second, it implies that Blacks have selflessly assisted, adored, and defended mixed people, for which they cannot be abandoned. Thirdly, it implies that whatever the relationship between mixed people and Negroes, the interest of the latter have primacy. All three of these implications are fallacious.

To begin with, mixed people are not particularly associated with Negroes and never have been, with the exception of the period from 1930 - 1980. During that time, mixed Whites amalgamated with the Negro community as an upper class, the so called "Mulatto Elite". However, this association was temporary. The resurgence of biracial identity (and now White identity) is proof of that. The only ethnic affiliation that mixed people have (on the whole), is to Whites. This is true not only because of their social interactions, but also because of the gigantic similarities between American Negroes and Whites (for instance, Negro culture is really poor southern White culture, Jazz is a variant of European tonal dances, etc). In reality, the only thing that prevents Negroes from being White persons, is that they lack a strong European descent.

Moving on, Negroes have never "selflessly assisted, adored, and defended" mixed people, and they deserve absolutely no credit for the way they have treated us.
      Firstly, Negroes supported the custom of hypodescent since it's inception. For example, when the One Drop Rule arose in 1830's Ohio, the Negro community rather than the White community, fervently advocated the new custom because they recognized it as an opportunity to get as much White blood into their "race" as possible. If this wasn't the quintessential insult and degradation to mixed Whites, then the moon really is made of cheese.
      Secondly, Negroes periodically supported segregation in both the North and the South, as a means of strengthening their "African" identity. This was an injury to mixed Whites, who historically sought integration with the White community.
      Third, Negroes have always regarded mixed Whites with an air of hatred, jealousy, spite, and suspicion. Contrary to the Negro propaganda, even mixed people who ardently identify as Black, routinely found mistreatment at the hands of their Negro compatriots. Sociological research confirms that the problem still exists.
       Fourth, Negroes did their best to destroy the validity of the mixed Whiteness (and biracial identity too), during the Black Power mania of the 1960's and 1970's. Ostensibly this was to instill themselves with racial pride and "unity", but in reality it was meant to trap anyone with White blood in the Black caste as a means of social improvement (eugenics). Most of the propaganda that modern Negroes and White liberals regurgitate, was invented during this period.
      Fifth, Negroes never hesitated to use verbal coercion, intimidation, and physical violence, to corral mixed Whites into identifying as Black (or even as Biracial). People approaching me and asking "Nigga, what are your colors?", come readily to mind. Most mixed people have similar stories, and in the 1970's it was far worse.
      Sixth, Negroes continue to spew out vicious propaganda against mixed people, and with the aide of guilt-ridden liberal Whites (especially those in interracial marriages), brainwash Americans into thinking that only pure (or pure looking) caucasians are legitimate White persons. As the moral compass of the country, Negroes are in a unique position to influence how everyone (particularly Whites) think, and they abuse this power to their own benefit. For instance, the NAACP was the chief opponent of the multiracial movement in the effort to expand the racial categories on the 2000 census. It abused its reputation and authority to the injury of mixed race Americans, simply because Negroes feared the loss of "precious" White blood.
     Seventh, whatever Negroes have done to combat White Supremacy was for their sole benefit, not that of mixed people. They do not care about solving our problem (which is integration into the White community as full members), only about solving theirs. In Loving vs. Virginia (1967), the landmark case that legalized intermarriage in all states, Loving's lawyers argued against miscegenation, but for freedom of choice. They reasoned that society ought to perceive Negroes as equals that can, if they choose, have sex with Whites (meaning White women), without any stigma attached. They were concerned with the perception of Negroes as racial equals, not with the social legitimacy of interracial offspring. Negroes have never cared about our existence, except as a eugenic tool to Whiten their own race. While desiring sex with White women (and mixed White women), they simultaneously preached against interracial marriages, and they STILL DO to this day. Furthermore, Negroes fought against segregation for their own benefit, not ours. They never intended it to be an opportunity for mixed Whites to officially amalgamate with the White community. Had they perceived this threat, it's possible they may have accepted Jim Crow. That Negroes rabidly demand racial obedience from mixed people, while officially preaching civil rights, demonstrates that their aims are self-serving.

Third and lastly, the interests of Negroes do not come before those of mixed people. The premise of American democracy is "majority rule, minority rights". Its purpose is to ensure social justice. For this reason, it is a preposterous idea that Negroes, simply because they are a greater proportion of the country, have first rights to setting the rules of the American racial landscape in their favor. It is unconscionable that mixed people are the pawns of the academe, the liberal White establishment, and the Negro community, which hurt them in an effort to elevate the status of Black Americans. No, the interests of Negroes do not come before those of anyone else, period.

Friday, June 18, 2010

What is a Mixed White Person?

When most people think of a White person, they imagine someone with typical caucasian features. American society expects people with obvious, non-caucasian traits, to identify as members of a minority race or ethnic group. In particular, we designate people with negro ancestry as "Black", regardless of their actual culture and appearance. For example, Anatole Broyard, Walter White, Danzy Senna, Nicole Richie, all have White appearances and are presented to audiences as "Black" (most of the time). This belief is institutionalized in movies such as "Imitation of Life" and "The Human Stain", and books such as "Caucasia", "The Color of Water", "Half and Half", and "Their Eyes Were Watching God". It is taught to children both formally in the schools, and informally in everyday life. Until the 1980's, it was legally enforced in the statutes of most states. Many people know this custom as the "One Drop Rule" - one drop of Black blood makes a person "Black". The concept of "mixed Whiteness" is contradictory to this custom and may seem paradoxical at first. Simply put, a "mixed White" is a person of European heritage and partial negro ancestry.

Confused? You probably are. This owes to the tacit assumptions that race determines cultural and behavioral traits, and that Black ancestry is inferior. If you doubt that this is the reason, simply substitute two European ethnicities for White and Black. If a person claims to be Irish, and later we find out that they are half German, we do not accuse them of "passing" for Irish. The reason why is that Irish and German are considered equal, and we do not regard the person as an inferior product masquerading as the superior, genuine article. Negro blood is thought to degrade the superior traits of caucasian blood, meaning that only pure caucasians are genuinely European in their cultural, behavioral, physical, and mental qualities. People of mixed origin are not "good enough" for their White heritage, so society assigns them to the Black caste. This practice is morally and scientifically bankrupt.

Consider the concept of "Whiteness". White" means a person of European heritage, or a person of Caucasian race or appearance. "Heritage" refers to the biological and cultural traits which we acquire from our parents and community. The "One Drop" logic reduces European heritage to a racial origin that mixed people, especially those with an intermediate appearance, are unable to "genuinely" appropriate. But heritage is irreducible to a racial origin, as race does not determine culture (i.e., our learned patterns of thought and behavior). It is not only possible, but normative for people of mixed negro and caucasian ancestry, to have predominately European cultural and racial characteristics. This is true whether they look fully caucasian, nearly caucasian, or intermediate. So long as "White" refers to "a person of European heritage", then it describes all people of primarily European traits, not simply those of pure caucasian origin.

Below is an illustration of how mixing between a White and a Black, produces a White child. Recall that "heritage" refers to the racial and cultural characteristics which we acquire from our parents and community. Racial traits consist of both ancestral lineage and appearance, so I have shown this in the diagram. The diagram also reflects that Blacks are approximately 18% European in their racial origin, and that Blacks who intermarry with Whites have slightly more European blood. The Black parent is drawn with a European cultural heritage, because "Black" culture is actually a variant of poor southern White culture. It's worth noting, however, that Black culture is actually irrelevant, as most biracials grow up in mainstream White environments with few contacts with Blacks. At any rate, as you can see, the first generation mixed offspring are predominately European, or "White" in their total heritage. Subsequent mixing continues this trend, with rapid attenuation of the Black heritage. The negro heritage is "white-washed" in the matter of a single generation.

I have so far used "White" or "European" in reference to a person's ethnic heritage. In this sense and only this sense, "Whiteness" is involuntary. A White person is someone of predominately European heritage, whatever their personal identity or ethnic community. However, there is a critical distinction between "White heritage" and "White ethnicity". Not all "White" people are members of a White ethnic group. For instance, many Native Americans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Brazilians, Dominicans, French Creoles, and Mexicans, are of predominately European heritage (i.e. White). Nevertheless, they are members of racially diverse ethnic groups that are not simply European in extraction.(see below)

In the case of Afro-European Whites, the majority are European people by heritage, whatever their ethnic identity. It should be noted, that to be a member of a community requires both your permission and the acceptance of that group of people. When I refer to Anglo White Americans, or "Mixed Whites" in this sense, I mean those that claim a White or European identity. I do not mean that they are accepted as members of the White community.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Essential Definitions (Read This First!)

A good understanding of Mixed White advocacy depends on a thorough grasp of the following definitions. Be sure to review them before you read the other entries in this blog.

Biracial - A person of dual racial parentage.

Black - (1) A person of predominately Negro African heritage. (2) A member of any of several ethnic groups, identifying themselves on the basis of Negro African heritage. (3) A person of Negro race or phenotype. (4) Relating to Negro Africa, Negro African civilization(s), or an ethnic group of Negro African extraction.

Caste - A group of people within a society, who, by force of law or custom, are restricted from intermarriage or association with a socially superior (or subordinate) class.

Caucasian (Caucasoid) - A person belonging to the Caucasoid branch of the three principal human races.

Creole - (1) A person of mixed racial heritage. (2) A member of any of several self-styled ethnic groups.

Community - A body of people, usually living in close proximity to one another, who share a common sense of identity.

Culture - The learned patterns of thought and behavior, and the material artifacts, which are characteristic of a society or community.

- The ethnic group or groups, with which a person shares strong kinship, by right of heritage, or mutual social acceptance.

Ethnic Group - An endogamous community of people, regarding itself as autonomous, whose members identify with one another on the basis of inherited characteristics.

Ethnic Identity - The enduring sense of kinship to an ethnic group, which forms in early childhood as a result of interpersonal contacts and cultural inculcation.

Heritage - The cultural and biological traits which a person inherits from their parents and community.

Hypodescent - A social custom in which the offspring of socially unequal parents, is assigned to the subordinate community or caste.

Mixed White - An ethnically White person, who shares part of their heritage with a Negro (i.e. Black) people.

Mulatto - The offspring of a Caucasian and a Negro, or of two such hybrids.

Multiculturalism - The doctrine that minorities should enjoy political and cultural hegemony (ostensibly equality) in White societies.

Negro (Negroid) - A person belonging to the Negroid branch of the three principal human races.

Non-Black - A person of whose predominate heritage is other than Negro or Black.

One-Drop-Rule - The American legal custom whereby a White person of no Negro ancestry, is assigned to the Black race and caste.

Personal Identity - A person's professed affinity to a group of people, with whom they ostensibly share common cultural, racial, religious, or other similarities.

Race - A geographically contiguous population within the human species, which is characterized by significant morphological or genetic discontinuity with surrounding populations.

Racism - The doctrine that racial origin is the determining factor in human cultural and behavioral traits, and that different races are therefore socially incompatible.

Social Designation - The involuntary assignment of an individual, by a society or community, to a perceived cultural, racial, religious, or ethnic group.

- A self-perpetuating and cooperating social group, having a specific identity, which has developed organized patterns of relationships in order to meet the survival and reproductive needs of its members.

Subculture - A culture held by a community of people, which is distinguishable from the culture of the larger community to which they belong.

Tar-Brush ('One Drop') - To involuntarily assign a Black identity, ethnic, or racial designation, to a non-Black person.

White - (1) A person of predominately European heritage. (2) A member of any of several ethnic groups, identifying themselves on the basis of European heritage. (3) A person of Caucasian race or phenotype. (4) Relating to Europe, European civilization, or an ethnic group of European extraction.

White Purity - The doctrine that the "inferiority" of Negro blood, disqualifies a person of mixed ancestry from being White.

The Purpose of This Site

Mixed White Advocate is an educational and empowering resource for White Anglo-Americans with partial Black ancestry. This site advocates for Mixed Whites, all of the rights, privileges, and honors presently reserved for pure Caucasians in American Society. It is a defense against the defamation and abuse of those who wish to deprive us of our identity.